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10 Ways to Tap into your Creative Genius

  • By jenny rebecca
  • 10 Apr, 2018

Finding your flow & getting in your groove when you feel blocked creatively

Spoiler alert...that is not me at the edge of that cliff in the picture. It would be cool if it was but...nope. 

I thought this was an analogous picture though, for tapping into creative genius, because for those of you who have experienced the incredible high that can come with creating, you know that it does feel like this serene otherworldly calm and yet, at the same time, the ride of your life. In fact, if this chick were mid-leap and about to fly over this fjord it would be a much more accurate depiction of the electric experience that creating can be. 

But often times I feel like I'm more off to the side in this picture (maybe even a bit dwarfish in nature, like something out of Lord of the RIngs) with a chisel and hammer, painstakingly hammering away at the rock, doing what I deem 'necessary' for 'survival' in the world, while I watch a bunch of other artists flying all around the fjord, doing flips and turns in the air and having the time of their lives. And I feel all this jealousy and shame that I'm not out there flying and I have a long list of reasons why it would be irresponsible for me to fly, or why I just can't afford it or why I would look rediculous or why it's too late for me to even go to flying school.  

Can anyone relate? my dwarf analogy? 

Sometimes when we're creatively blocked there are some pretty serious emotional wounds that we need to deal with and let come to the surface. But the great thing about art and creativity, is that one of the best ways to start working through those emotions is simply to start creating. 

It's not always so easy though, right? 

Well, today I’m going to give you my go to list of things that I do to help myself get inspired and tap into that magical place. I find that the more I'm able to actually just get into a routine of being creative every day and really be disciplined about it, the easier it becomes ... and the more I crave it. But there are definitely seasons of life when our focus is on other things so...for anyone in need of a bit of help in the inspiration you go! 

1. GUSHING - For anyone who has read The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron (and if you haven't I highly recommend it) and has practiced Morning Pages, Gushing is like Morning Pages on speed. I like to take my phone and record myself talking, non-stop, at the speed of thought, for at least 5 minutes. Don't let yourself stop talking! Even if you are saying the same thing over and over! The whole point of this exercise is to just get out of your head and away from that judgmental, critical voice that tends to rule us most of the day. 

Tony Robbins has a great quote that says, “We are born with that critical voice, it’s there to protect us and help us when it comes to survival, but past survival, we have to choose to be happy"…and happiness is almost impossible when we have a constant judge commenting on our every move…ESPECIALLY when we are talking about creativity.

Gushing helps us move past the complaints, anxieties and fears of the day to the things that really matter - the ideas, the dreams, the desires and the things that make us really fly. Getting out of that place of judgment in our heads helps us return to the childlike state of wonder and play that is necessary for creating. 

This right side of the brain needs to be exercised like a muscle so be patient with yourself if it takes a bit of time to get it strong. Gushing is a fabulous tool that will help you get higher, connect to your truest self, your higher power, into that place of inspiration. I often record myself and then send it to a secret email account. It's kind of like audio journaling. Or a form of praying without ceasing. And you will be astonished at how fast the time will go by and all of a sudden you are taken to a place where anything is possible.

2. DANCE - just put on your favorite song and dance like you mean it. Get rid of negative energy and welcome in some new, positive vibes.

3. GO ON A WALK - sometimes you just need to get out of the house and mix things up. Get your body moving and let your mind wander. It's incredible how freeing for blocked energy a walk can be.

4. CREATIVITY AS A DISCIPLINE - Do a spontaneous art form that you haven’t done very much in your life, that isn’t your main expression.  One where there are no expectations of how good you need to be at it. For example, I haven't done much visual art in my life, so if I do a sketch, or paint, or even finger paint, I feel pretty free to just do it because I haven't done it much before and I don't have anything to really compare it to. The same could be said for you perhaps with songwriting, or poetry, or dance, or playing an instrument. Do a spontaneous art form that you can just participate in as an act of play.

5. MAKE BAD ART - Give yourself permission to just make a really bad song. A terrible painting. A cheesy poem...whatever. But just the act of doing  something creative, even if it's not at the level of artistry that you aspire to, will get those juices flowing.

6. INTENTIONAL INPUT - Be intentional about feeding your inner artist child. Go to the magazine section and look at pictures, peruse the newspaper for juicy words, watch movies or go on pinterest for fresh images and ideas, listen to new music for melodies that inspire you...we don't live in a vacuum. We need to be inspired by other people and by nature, so be intentional about filling up your creative tank.

7. ARTIST DATES - Julia Cameron talks about this in The Artist's Way as well. Take your inner artist on a date. Go somewhere or do something that really makes your heart come alive. Do you like the green house? Or antique rug shops? Or the trampoline park? Whatever places or experiences make your artist child squeal with delight are the places you need to be seeking out and visiting on a weekly basis. Your work is your play is your work is your play.

8. CREATE SOMETHING FOR SOMEONE ELSE - Creating a work of art specifically for someone else can be really freeing. When you think of what that person might enjoy, often times the boxes that you've made from your own expectations for yourself break off. Also, when you're making something for someone you really love, that element alone is a game changer and can really take your creating to another level. 

9. COLLABORATE - Creating with other people is powerful! The ideas multiply and feed off of each other...AND it's FUN! There are all kinds of different ways to collaborate with people based on what you are creating but try to collaborate with someone you feel safe sharing your ideas with and just see where you can take each other!

10. DO SOMETHING YOU ENJOY - Make a list of the times in your life when you felt most alive and full of joy, then go and do something like one of the things on your list! If you feel blocked, chances are you are trying too hard and creativity is PLAY. Let yourself play and the creativity will flow much more easily.

Hope you've enjoyed these tips! Now go, take a running leap off that cliff and fly!

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