New Fall-Winter Collection
New Fall-Winter Collection
Hello, Dear One.
So glad you are here.
Today's creativity prompt is inspired by Anne Lamott. This quote is from her book on writing called, Bird by Bird:
“Think of the writers who have given a book to me, and then to write a book back to them. This gift they have given us, which we pass on to those around us, was fashioned out of their lives. You wouldn’t be a writer if reading hadn’t enriched your soul more than other pursuits. So write a book back to V.S. Naipaul or Margaret Atwood or Wendell Berry or whoever it is who most made you want to write, whose work you most love to read. Make it as good as you can. It is one of the greatest feelings known to humans, the feeling of being the host, of hosting people, of being the person to whom they come for food and drink and company. This is what the writer has to offer…”
Don't worry.
I'm not going to ask you to write an entire book today.
But I do want you to think about the artists that inspire you the most, and I want you to create something for them or in their honor. As Anne Lamott suggested, if you are a writer, write a letter or an article for your favorite author, if you are a songwriter, write a song for your favorite singer in a style that they especially would appreciate, if you are a poet, write to one of your favorite poets, choreograph a dance in honor of your favorite get the idea.
I believe as artists we are constantly taking ideas and inspiration from people who have gone before us like threads that we weave into our own new creations.
It can give us new freedom and inspiration, however, to create specifically for someone who has inspired something distinct in us.
It's also just such a beautiful thought to think about how many beautiful artists and creators there are in the world! How many times in my life I have been so radically touched by the way someone else sees the world or expresses a thought or emotion in an entirely new way that I had never thought of before.
Make a list of ten artists in various genres who have inspired and influenced you the most. Choose one and create something in their honor today.
Happy Friday and 1st Day of May!