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The Quarantine Chronicles: Day 24

  • By JennyRebecca Ronning
  • 03 May, 2020

Cultivating a Listening Ear

Photo from the Boston Public Library

Hello, Dear One.

So glad you are here.

Today in my online church service we were talking about listening for God's voice.

This theme of listening coincides with a beautiful story that I read yesterday in a Julia Cameron book that my friend, Freddy, lent to me called 'The Prosperous Heart'.  

I will include it here and then get to the prompt afterwards...

"When we listen to other people, we bear witness to their experience. We acknowledge them, their thoughts, their desires. So often all it takes to erase our worries is for someone to say, "I hear you." We can actively search out these people and these conversations.

When I was living in New York, I went through a trying medical situation that took several months to resolve. In the middle of my struggle, I was invited to a dinner party. That night I met an actress, Jennifer Bassey, whom I had previously known only in passing.

"I love your work," she said, sitting down next to me.

"And I love yours," I replied, pleased.

"We have so many friends in common," she noted, "but we don't really know each other. We should know each other. And you write plays. My husband wrote Kismet. He's delightful. You should be friends with him, too."

Tickled by Jennifer's enthusiasm, I felt immediately comfortable with her. Her straightforwardness charmed me.

"So?" she asked. "What's going on?"

To my surprise, I found myself speaking candidly. After all, she was.

"Actually, I'm in kind of a fragile period. I have some medical issues that I'm working to straighten out."

Jennifer studied me closely, listening.

"Well, then," she said, "give me your phone number. I'll call you every day to see how you are. Once a day until everything is resolved."

Surprised but pleased, I handed her my number.

Jennifer was true to her word. She did call every day, offering her ear, her experience, her humor. By the time my health had stabilized, we were close friends. We still speak nearly every day. We check in just to check in--and to listen. In our friendship, no topic is off-limits. We listen to each other, and in listening, we cherish each other's daily experiences -- and our own.

"Jennifer, it's snowing. I'm baking cookies and roasting a chicken for tonight's dinner. And I'm worried no one will make it here because of the weather."

"People will come. How much snow are you expecting?"

"I don't know. I think a lot."

"Well, you can always call and cancel. You can freeze everything and give people a rain check -- or rather, a snow check."

Jennifer's good advice calmed me down. I took my two apple pies from the oven. I garnished a leg of lamb with garlic pepper, surrounded it with wild rice and mushrooms, and slipped the pan in to roast. My phone rang. It was Jennifer again.

"Darling. How are you doing now?"

"I've decided to go ahead with everything and let the chips fall where they may."

"You sound better."

"Yes, well, the snow seems to be letting up."

"Good, then, darling. I'll call and check on you later, but if you're midparty and you don't answer, I'll understand."

So often, what we crave is to be heard. So often, a two minute phone conversation about "nothing" --i.e., exactly what is going on in that minute in our lives -- means everything. "

I honestly love this little story excerpt. And I love friends who check in, listen, ask great questions. To be heard is one of the greatest gifts in the world. And to listen to someone else, is a priceless gift you can give to others.

Today's creativity prompt is a series of questions. Fill in the following sentences:

Who could I call up today "just" to listen? __________

Who are the people in my life who are the best listeners? ________

How often to I truly listen to myself? ___________

If my heart could talk to me right now, what would it say?___________________________________

If I could listen to my little child self right now, what would he/she say about who I have become/am becoming? ____________________________________

If I could listen to what my 100 year old self, what would he/she say to me in this moment about what's going on in the world and about who I am becoming?____________________________________

If I took a few minutes to listen to God, what would I hear?________________

I would LOVE to read, hear, see and experience the things you are creating during this time and as a result of some of these creativity prompts! So please feel free to share them personally with me or with the Artists Rising Community!

There is so much love for you here,


P.S. Invite a friend to get in on these Quarantine Chronicles Prompts! Do them together and create an even larger support connection as you are going through this time. And if you haven't joined the private Facebook Group yet, do it! Let's connect to each other in as many ways as we can!...Maybe that will be the biggest change we create as a result of this entire global situation? This is my prayer anyhow. Xxo

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