New Fall-Winter Collection
New Fall-Winter Collection
Hello, Dear One.
So glad you are here.
Today's creativity prompt is about turning worry into creative energy. In order to define the terms, I would like to again turn to Julia Cameron and the definition she uses for worry...
"Worry has an anxious and unfocused quality. It skitters subject to subject, fixating first on one thing, then on another. Like a noisy vacuum cleaner, its chief function is to distract us from what we are really afraid of. Worry is a kind of emotional anteater poking into all corners for trouble."
Yesterday's text was all about panic and we practiced choosing the opposite spirit so to speak and exercising our imaginations. Today I want to offer a different approach.
The beautiful thing about creativity and actually stepping out in creative action is that it can also allow us to practice active connection and compassion without our even really acknowledging it in so many words.
One of the most powerful things I've ever learned in my life thus far, and one of the things I do with my coaching clients daily, is a practice I learned, and have further developed, from my brilliant counselor and friend, Laura Duncan.
It started with an exercise called 'The Remote Control" which, in essence, is the practice of identifying our emotions and then bringing compassion, acceptance and comfort. This, in turn, allows us to connect to our hearts in an extraordinary way. It is the process of healing, and it helps us, all at once, recognize that we do not need to be afraid of any of our emotions at any time.
Eventually, through practicing and developing this self-compassion, there is a beautiful realization that we can accept all of our emotions as they come. We start to feel free to experience our pain as it comes up, without fear, and full of compassion, causing us to be able to really learn to love ourselves the way we would a precious, little child.
In fact, putting our worries and feelings into our art has the power to activate this healing practice without us even realizing it. Countless times in my life I have written songs, expressing whatever I am feeling in that moment and it:
1) Helps me identify what I am feeing, sometimes in many different colors or perspectives.
2) Brings comfort and compassion to my heart as I am in the process of writing it and singing it to myself.
3) Brings acceptance and validity to my pain as I acknowledge it.
4) Enables me to connect to my heart.
5) Ultimately, has the power to connect me to others if I choose to share that song with someone else and they can relate to it.
Countless times, I have gone from worry, fear, sadness and tears to transformation through my creativity. And sometimes the thing I create is almost conversational. For example, a verse of my song written in 'my voice' about what I'm feeling and a chorus written in 'God's voice' or 'the voice of wisdom' bringing comfort or hope.
The great thing is, there really is no wrong way to go about it. Simply finding the courage to even start, and be patient and forgiving with yourself in the process of creating is, in itself, such a massive act of bravery, vulnerability and compassion, that even if you can begin a creative are well on your way to experiencing the transformational power that creativity brings.
So I encourage you today, to put your worries or fears on the page. Whether you are drawing, composing, journaling, writing songs or poetry or even choosing a song that expresses what you are feeling and dancing to it, naming those fears, accepting them in the process of creation, will bring you much healing, freedom and ...dare I say it...JOY.
I would love to read, hear or see your creations if you feel like sharing! Please send them to me if you feel so inclined or post them in the private Facebook Group ARTISTS RISING. You can also share them on your own social media feeds and tag me or use the hashtag #thequarantinechronicles.
There is so much love for you here,