New Fall-Winter Collection
New Fall-Winter Collection
Happy Easter!
Today is Easter Sunday, a day of resurrection. It is 75 degrees and sunny here in Berlin. Spring is in full bloom here, and though the world is completely altered during this strange time in history, nature does not seem to notice and goes on blooming in beautiful and extraordinary ways.
This pandemic has been challenging, alarming, scary at times, but even still...there is so much we can be thankful for and celebrate in the midst of difficulty.
Today's prompt is about celebrating life and rebirth. I want you to write out your blessings. Count them. Make a list. Draw them. Sing about them. Dance in response to the life that is still pulsing through us.
What are the things that are most life giving in your experience on this earth? What is making your heart beat? What is making you feel most alive today? Is anything blossoming in your life? Where do you see patterns of new life or rebirth? Write about the spring. Write about new ideas that are coming forth during this time of pause and stillness. Write about new desires that are springing forth. Write about freedom. Write about the goodness that you notice in your life in the midst of our current situation.
If you are having trouble identifying things that make you feel good, think back to a time when you really celebrated being alive and write about that. If it is still hard to recall a memory, think about a scene in a movie that made you feel that celebration of life - maybe see if you can re-watch it - and write about that.
Gratitude and celebration of life - especially during hard times- is so precious...and it carries us through.