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The Quarantine Chronicles: Day 5

  • By JennyRebecca Ronning
  • 13 Apr, 2020

Creating a Life

Photo by the New York Public Library

Hello, Dear One.

So glad you are here.

Here is today's creativity prompt: have just landed on earth, this new planet, and you have been welcomed by all the inhabitants...from a distance.

You've even been given a nice place to live that looks strangely, exactly like wherever you are currently living now, with all of the same furniture and belongings. You've been given a name and identity and passport/drivers license of a person with your (current) if you have essentially been inserted into the exact same scenario which you currently find yourself at this moment in time.  

What if the normal way of life on earth for humans, had the same limitations of the 2020 Quarantine and that was just the normal way that humans lived on the earth? What if social distancing was part of how humans just naturally did life? What if isolation were necessary and unquestioned? What if all of the details in your life, that possibly have been feeling overwhelming, scary, unacceptable, the last few weeks, were actually expected and normal?

If you are anything like me, I've been feeling a little bit at times like things are just on hold. The anticipation of things returning back to normal brings with it a certain suspension, almost like time is stopping, until we return back to the way things were. However, none of us is really sure what the future holds. No one knows how this thing will play out exactly, and even if we do "go back to normal" in a matter of weeks or months...I'm not fully convinced that each of us will not have been substantially changed through the process. So what even IS normal?

I think that allowing ourselves to actually lift our fingers off of the pause button, could be quite beneficial. Holding our breath and waiting to truly live is not doing any of us any favors. And living in the moment is always a beautiful and rewarding act. I think it's the most powerful way to live.

What if we embraced this time and truly asked ourselves, "How could I live life to the fullest within the limitations of this current situation?"

Imagine that life as we know it, the way it currently is around the world, is all we have ever known. How would you create a beautiful, meaningful life for yourself? How could you live life in the most extraordinary ways today?

Write about it. Sing about it. Draw what that might look like. And if you feel like sharing it, I'd love to read, hear, see, experience what you create. I've already been receiving some amazing creations from you all in the last few days since the Quarantine Chronicles started! Join the Artists Rising Facebook Group if you want to connect to others who are participating in the daily creativity prompts and please share this link with a friend so more people can jump in!

Lots of love to you,


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