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The Quarantine Chronicles: Day 20

  • By JennyRebecca Ronning
  • 03 May, 2020

Creating Contrast

Photo by Billy Pasco

Hello, Dear One.

So glad you are here.

I have a question for you today that I want you to think about, meditate on, journal about and perhaps use in whatever creative expression you so desire...

I want you to identify whatever negative thought or belief that is most prevalent in your mind or consciousness today, and here is the question:

What if you thought or believed the opposite?

We all have these sort of sub-conscious layers of foggy negative beliefs that are sort of burdening us at any given moment.

I find that these days, especially, with lock down and all the crazy things in the news, I feel the weight and the heaviness much more than usual. And it is tempting to allow myself to just spiral downwards with it all.

But we actually have a choice.

I believe how we feel is a direct result of what we are thinking, and this doesn't mean that I believe we are meant to be happy 100% of the time, however, I DO think we have the option of being much more intentional with our thoughts and that thinking powerful things will ultimately make us feel better.

I think, in general, we, as humans, suffer a lot more than we need to because we are thinking thoughts that actually hurt ourselves.

Continuing in the vein of yesterday's prompt on curiosity, asking ourselves questions, is one of the best ways we can discover and ultimately create our best lives.

If you are suffering or hurting today, ask yourself the question, "What if I believed the opposite of what is hurting me?"

And further, "If I really believed the opposite of what is causing me pain today, how would it affect me physically? As I am walking to the store, for example, or my posture as I am talking to someone? How would it affect the way I interact with others? Would I have a different attitude when I'm speaking with others? How would it affect the way I think about myself?"

These questions are inspired by the teachings of Byron Katie and Brooke Castillo and I find asking questions like this to be incredibly helpful in terms of stepping outside of my brain and examining what is really going on in there.

We may feel a little like prisoners in our own homes right now but we do not have to be prisoners in our own brains.

Ask yourself what you are thinking and observe it with compassion and non-judgment.

And remember...a belief is simply a thought you choose to think over and over again.

Let's cultivate faith and beliefs that will serve us and our communities in the most powerful ways!

There is so much love for you here,


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